
With Tassel Turned, Over A New Leaf Turned “Share Reading, Deliver Blessings” Library Graduation Activity Launched!

It is graduation season again; the Library is going to hold “Share reading, deliver blessings” Library Graduation Activity to bid farewell and bless graduates for their learning achievement.

All graduates are invited to share one of their favorite books during their years at MCU. Please take a photo and upload it or put it in the recommendation area for underclassmen to borrow.

Welcome to participate in this activity to leave a wonderful memory before graduating from MCU.

Activity Period: May 10 to June 6, 2021

Target Participants: All faculty and staff members and students

Activity Procedures:


Method 1: Take a photo with your favorite book and upload it to your personal Facebook or Instagram, then show the post to the staff member at the front desk of the Library for verification. You can earn a free gift (An extra special gift will be given to graduates who take the photo wearing your graduation gown.)

Method 2: Recommend your favorite book and write the reason for your recommendation (Please pick up a card at the front desk of the Library); please put the book with the card in the recommendation area of “Share reading, deliver blessings” for a gift from the limited supply.

※All faculty and staff members and students

 Those who borrow three books from the Library during the activity period, including a book from the recommendation area, can earn a gift.

(one per person) (Supply of gifts is limited; only available while gifts last!)