
Act Now‧Light Up A New Hope For The Globe

With the advancement of science and technology, economic growth, and prosperity of the society, there are still many hidden problems and threats emerging from climate change, the wealth-poverty gap, hunger and diseases around the world. In order to make the society a better and fair place and create a sustainable environment, the United Nations proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Protecting the planet is not solely the responsibility of governments, enterprises, and organizations, everyone can become a guardian and a superhero. In addition to reducing waste, caring for the environment, and caring about social issues, you can also learn about issues related to SDGs, including social welfare, economy, environment, sustainable development and other issues through activities organized by the library. Let us become the guardians of the earth together.

During the activity period, complete the following tasks to get a small gift  (Only available while supply lasts.)

Task 1: Read E books Together:

1. Enter any designated e-book platform (HyRead, Udn) during 10/11-10/29.

2. Borrow 3 e-books in the SDGs theme book fair area and leave a private message with your “name” and “screenshot of borrowing record” to MCU Library IG page.

3. Please show the designated screen to the staff at the Library counter to receive a mystery gift. Each person is limited to one gift.

Task 2: Guardian of the Earth

  1. From 10/11-10/29, go to the SDGs activity webpage of the Library and click on the “Guardian of the Earth.”
  2. Choose a project from the four categories of SDGs.
  3. Fill in the answer in the e-Form
  4. Show the screenshot of the complete page to the staff at the Library counter to get a Family Mart product 50 NTD voucher. Each person is limited to win one voucher.