
2021 Freshmen Preemptive Preparation – “Score First” Series Of Activities

Activity Period: September 27 to October 31, 2021

Main target:Campus Freshmen

Series activity 1: Freshmen “Score First” Themed Book Exhibit

Activity Details: Are you excited and looking forward to your new campus life? Study, student clubs, part-time job, personnel relationships and falling in love, … a colorful university life is waiting for you to discover. Let us assist you in grasping the secrets to freshmen survival to create a wonderful future by reading the themed resources from the Library: “Wise Star Student Life”, “Dream of a Life”, “Refuse to be An Outsider” and “It’s so Much Like Love.

Online book exhibitBook Exhibit

Series activity 2: Vintage Toys for Fun: Play in New Style with the Library

Activity Details:Participants are to please pick up a game card at the front desk of the Library. Those who complete three games and connect one line before the deadline may earn a prize through playing pinball. The prizes include Ming Chuan Hot and Sour Dry Noodles – something all MC people must eat, traditional snacks, vintage face mask for epidemic prevention, fashion face mask, vintage drink carrier and coaster. Everyone is welcome to accept the challenge!


*One game card per person

*Only available while supply lasts.

*The Library reserves the right to amend the activity and change other prizes of equivalent value.

Series activity 3: Campus Freshmen, Go 2 Learn

Activity Details: The semester is beginning. Are you ready for it? Aside from adjusting your daily life, let’s read together by learning reading methods, recovering your ability to pay attention and welcoming the new semester.

1st Learning Tip: Download one e-book App (HyRead, iRead eBooks, Udn)

Hint: Earn an anti-epidemic sterilizing pen by downloading an e-book APP by your cellphone
        (Please show the screen on your cellphone to receive the prize).

2nd Learning Tip: Borrow 3 e-books from the “Freshmen Must Read Area” through HyRead APP and show the screen on your cellphone to receive the prize. Those who complete the process can earn a prize.