
Library Service Quality Satisfaction Survey

🔗click to complete 2023-24 AY Library Service Quality Satisfaction Survey
⚠️Please use your Moodle username and password to log in for answering.


1st Prize (1 Winner)
Apple Watch SE GPS
2nd Prize (10 Winners)
PX Mart voucher
3rd Prize (24 Winners)
【COLD STONE】LOVE IT Ice Cream Voucher
4th Prize (40 Winners)
Starbucks Voucher
  1. If awardees hold overseas nationality, they are required to submit 20% of the prize value as tax payment along with a photocopy of their ARC.
  2. The organizer reserves the right to amend, change, postpone or suspend the activity for all matters not specified above.
  3. Notices regarding the change in activity procedures or prizes will be announced online and no further notice will be sent separately.